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Parking space in the view of the Polish Act on VAT 
Parking space and garages are often the subject of economic trade (sales and rental) along with residential premises, which often leads to complications regarding the determination of correct VAT taxation in such transactions. Namely, it gives rise to the question whether parking space and a garage can use the same VAT rate as residential premises.  
Distribution of profit in a limited partnership
Many companies will soon need to approve their financial statement for 2023 and distribute the profit or cover the financial loss. They can allocate the profit generated by the entity fully or partially for the dividend payment to partners. What will be the tax outcomes of the payment from the profit made in a limited partnership subject to standard CIT? What are the available tax preferences that can be applied in the case of the limited partner and the general partner in a limited partnership? The above-mentioned issues will be discussed further in this article. 
The White List of VAT payers – peculiar cases
The so-called White List of VAT payers was introduced in Poland in September 2019 and the entrepreneurs still have doubts in certain situations as to the rules determining verification of contractors. Doubts may even refer to the determination of the correct date of verification of the contractor’s status and account. Decisions of administrative courts might sometimes be helpful or even necessary. 
Prepayments, advances, deposits and the moment when income arises
The receipt of a prepayment, advance or deposit by an entrepreneur on account of a future supply of goods or services results in a VAT obligation a as soon as it is received, according to Art. 19a (8) of the Polish VAT Act.