About us

Our history

2007 MDDP Outsourcing makes its first steps on the market of accounting services. The office of the company is located at ul. Książęca in Warsaw and our team consists of 6 people.
2008 We help in the establishment of a new bank commencing its operations in Poland; our support includes comprehensive services regarding accounting, HR and payroll processes connected with the commencement of its operation in over 100 facilities at the same time.
2009 The team of specialists at MDDP Outsourcing already grows to over 30 people.
2010 Our accounting office moves to a new place at Solec in Warsaw.
2011 Opening of accounting, HR and payroll services in Katowice at ul. Sobieskiego 11; establishment of a Controlling Department.
2012 We introduce the Electronic Documents Workflow – Flexi Workflow; we form an internal Data Processing Team.
2013 We expand the MDDP Outsourcing team with specialist internal departments: Settlements Department and VAT Department.
2014 We employ a total of over 80 persons; we move our office in Warsaw to ul. Prosta 69.
2015 We provide services for over 250 customers; We introduce online calculators for delegations and business travels.
2016 We employ over 100 specialists in accounting, HR and payrolls.
2017 We establish a dedicated IT department in order to develop dedicated solutions for accounting, payroll & human resources.
2018 The Controlling Team celebrates a great success – 500 prepared financial statements; The IT Team creates the first robot which facilitates the work of MDDP Outsourcing teams.
2019 Our office in Warsaw is moved to one of the most high-tech office buildings in this part of Europe – SPARK B at ul. Towarowa 7.

Despite the global pandemic, we work to effectively support our clients. Previously we had introduced technological solutions, ex. a new version of electronic document flow,  so we can provide even more effective services online, which is important – working remotely and without the need to send paper versions of documents.


Our team is over 200 specialists. We have changed our headquarters once again – our office in Katowice is moved to one of the most modern office complexes – Face2Face Business Campus.


It was a significant period for the company’s development, we have expanded our client portfolio and our team has expanded to over 250 specialists. We gained recognition by receiving an award from Forbes magazine, we introduced new automations and functionalities in our customer systems, which significantly strengthened our position on the market.

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Discover our services

MDDP Outsourcing Experts remain at your disposal. We will be glad to answer any inquiries regarding our services, offer quotations and other issues related to our company.

For more details please use the contact form.


Call us

Accounting office in Warsaw
tel. (+48) 22 351 13 45
Accounting office in Katowice
tel. (+48) 32 797 83 50


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